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How to Paint a Field of Tulips at Sunset with Acrylic Paints
Today I’m continuing my classic tutorials series with this gorgeous field of yellow tulips at sunset! This one is a small step up in difficulty from the colorful acrylic paintings we’ve done the past two weeks, but I think you’ll still find it easy to follow along and end up with your own beautiful painting for sale or for your wall. This one strikes a personal note with me, as I grew up in a small rural town in northern Washington State. Every April, the tulip fields would be in full bloom and I saw a scene much...

How to Paint a Tropical Sunset with Acrylic Paints
Hi Friends! I’m continuing my series of classic acrylic painting tutorials reimagined as step-by-step painting blogs. If you’d like to watch the original video that this colorful painting comes from, you can watch it here. This is a great lesson for beginners or more advanced painters, as it’s pretty straightforward but you have a lot of room to explore and invent. I live in a pretty cold, northern city right now (Seattle, Washington), but Andrea and I will be moving to Puerto Rico later this year. My family background is Russian/Ukranian, but I can’t wait to leave behind the cold...

How to Paint a Starry Night Sky with Acrylic Paints
Hi Friends! Starting today, I’ll be working my way through some of my classic acrylic painting tutorials, and giving you step-by-step instructions on how to recreate them yourself! If you’d like to view the full video on YouTube, you can watch it here. This one may look complex, but it’s actually pretty simple when you get down to it, and is great for acrylic painting beginners as well as those of you who are more experienced since it only uses primary colors. I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, and landscapes of evergreen trees like this...

How to Get A Smooth Blend Using Acrylic Paints
Hello ColorByFeliks Community! If you’re familiar with my work, you’ll know that I love color, and specifically using blending to create interesting gradients and combinations of colors. Whether I’m painting clouds, water, sunsets, or abstract works, I love using blends of color to make things pop in an unexpected way. My acrylic blending technique is something that I came up with on my own years ago, and has served me ever since. I’d love to use this week’s blog to go into the story behind my technique and show you how it could help take your acrylic paintings to the...