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How to Paint a Rainy Forest Drive: Step-By-Step Acrylic Painting Tutorial
This acrylic painting of a car driving through a rainy forest at night will make a perfectly moody and atmospheric addition to any wall in your home or a friend’s home. It’s also a great way to explore painting light and shadow and finer details! There’s a little something for everyone to learn here, and painting this will absolutely level up your acrylic painting skills. This will be the first of many masterclasses I am offering for free in written form on this blog. The free version covers everything you need to paint this landscape, but if you would like...

2022 New Year Update
Happy New Year, Friends! 🎉 2022 is going to be the most exciting year ever for ColorByFeliks, and I don’t say that lightly! I know this post is a little late, but Andrea, myself, and our awesome business team have been tirelessly planning what we’re going to do this year to bring you more art, more learning, more inspiration, and more FUN, 🥳 and we wanted to make sure the plan was solid before we shared 😎. I can’t wait to show you what we’ve got in store. Stick around to the end for a REALLY big announcement. Sharing The...

How to Paint a Flower Garden: Step-By-Step Acrylic Art Lesson
This colorful acrylic painting of a house covered in flowers is really vibrant and fun to paint! Although it looks complex, once I break it down for you in this step-by-step acrylic painting tutorial, you will see that it’s much simpler than it looks. This tutorial will particularly help you level up your understanding of layers and detailing, and how those two elements can make an acrylic painting come to life! So let’s start, as usual, with the materials list: Materials: Palette Palette knife (for mixing paints) Jar of water (to keep brushes wet) Artist sponge 4-Piece brush value pack...

Artist Interview: Amaris Meza
ColorByFeliks has always been about you, the artists. My paintings are a good entry point for people into this community, but at the end of the day, our community is about providing inspiration and resources to any and all people who love making art, regardless of their skill level. As time goes on and our community grows, I am always trying to find even more ways to support and encourage artists, whether that’s through acrylic painting tutorials or by sharing my platform with cool artists who I think you should know about. So in that spirit, I would love to...

How to Paint Clouds: Step-By-Step Acrylic Art Lesson
This easy cloud painting tutorial will help you practice a fundamental skill for landscape painting. Clouds are sure to come up in one form or another in most of your acrylic landscape paintings, so now would be a great time to practice! I’ve had a lot of people in my DMs recently asking for cloud painting tips, so here they are! And because clouds can be any shape and size, it could be really fun to try this tutorial multiple times for extra practice. Let’s get started! You’ll need the following materials; follow the links to purchase these art supplies...