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The Business of Art, Part 4 Finale: “How Do I Make a Stable Living as an Artist in the Online World?”
Welcome to the final installment in the Business of Art series, where I answer your most pressing art business questions. I’m writing this with the help of my wife Andrea, who’s the business mind behind ColorByFeliks! This week’s questions all have to do with the most critical part of making a living at your art: actually getting paid for it! So let’s jump right in and answer your questions! “How do I transition art from a hobby to an actual career?” The first step in any artist’s journey is to develop their skills. The more interesting, skillful, or just unique...

The Business of Art, Part 3: “How Do I Balance Creativity and Business?”
Welcome back to our Business of Art series, where I answer the most common questions I get from artists like you about starting a business with your art! Once again, I’m writing this one with the help of my wife Andrea, who’s the business mind behind ColorByFeliks! This week is all about BALANCE. Making a living off your art requires being both an artist and a businessperson, and as an artist myself, I know it can seem intimidating when you think of the business side of things. Thankfully, it’s not as hard as you think, and Andrea and I are...

The Business of Art, Part 2: “How Do I Price My Art?”
Welcome back to my Business of Art miniseries! In this series, I answer some of your most pressing questions about starting an art business and making a living at what you love. I’m joined by my wife, Andrea, who is the business brain behind ColorByFeliks! Creating simply for the joy of creating is the most important thing as an artist, and not everyone has to make a business out of their art. That being said, if you feel called to earn a living doing what inspires you, then I’ve got you! I’m going to spend this week’s blog answering...

The Business of Art, Part 1:
“How Do I Sell My Paintings?”
“How Do I Sell My Paintings?”
Welcome to the first of a four-part blog series specifically about making money with your art business! I receive a ton of questions all the time about how to do just that, and I think I’m in a unique position to answer those questions since my wife Andrea and I, currently make our full time living with our art business ColorByFeliks. All the questions we’ll be answering below were submitted by you, my audience! My wife Andrea and I are putting our heads together to answer your questions as best as we can. This week’s blog will be all...