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Making Art in Maui
Hello friends! As you may know, my wife Andrea and I work online so we decided to escape the cold grey of Seattle and do our work from Maui, Hawaii for a month after first getting COVID tested for our flights. I saw all kinds of things there that inspired me, but one day in particular really made me want to create. I'd love to tell you a quick story about how a regular day or a random moment can turn into artistic inspiration, and maybe shed some light on the way that art and life are always mixing together...

Finding Inspiration in Nice, France
This past week, I had the incredible opportunity to spend a few days in Nice, France and wanted to share some of my inspirations from my experience. I’ve been traveling along the coast of France for the last few weeks and out of the French Riviera Nice was my favorite location due to the amazing architecture, museums, and beautiful scenery. There is a lot to do while visiting Nice so I wanted to break it down for you and share with you some very inspirational locations that I would definitely recommend you visit if you’re ever in the area or...

First Inspiration Blog Post!
My first blog post describing my vision and inspiration from photos that I took on a recent hike for the painting I'm working on called "Feels Like Home".