ColorByFeliks Academy FAQ

ColorByFeliks Academy can now be purchased at https://learn.colorbyfeliks.com

For ALL Students who enrolled before July 15, 2020:
-You cannot use any previous login to http://learn.colorbyfeliks.com/.
-New login and New password will be generated and will be sent to your email as part of our transition to our New Academy: http://learn.colorbyfeliks.com/


Q1. I receive my NEW Login details, where should I Log in?

>Please login to https://learn.colorbyfeliks.com/login

Q2. I do not receive any log in information, where can I find it?

> Please first check your spam/junk folder to be sure the credentials were not sent there. If you still cannot find it, please send an email to: info@colorbyfeliks.com

Q3. What supplies do I need for the first class?

> You will need the following art materials:
Paint Canvas - Check here
M1 Blending brush- Check here
Complete Brush Bundle - Check here
Acrylic paints - Check here

Q4. Until when can I get access to the videos?

> The videos are available to be watched whenever you are, you will have lifetime access to the course whenever you want.

Q5. Is it a live training course?

> No, the videos are pre-recorded so that you can watch whenever is most convenient for you.

Q6. What is the difference of your FREE Youtube Videos to this offered Courses?

> The free Youtube videos are not as in depth. The academy goes into everything from the materials, to the color mixing technique, to blending. In addition, there are 4 step by step tutorials that will not be available anywhere else!

Q7. Is the course good for beginners or no experience in painting? 

> Yes, this course is for all levels. As we go through the modules we learn more and more techniques and the lessons will get increasingly more advanced.

Q8. I receive a new login details, am I being charged again? 

> No, there are no additional charges collected to your account. This is just part of our transition to our new website for Academy http://learn.colorbyfeliks.com/

Q9. How can I change my PASSWORD?

Once you logged in, click this link https://learn.colorbyfeliks.com/settings/account and look for the password section.


Other FAQ

Q8. Where can I find the cost of Feliks original paintings?

>Please send the name of the painting to info@colorbyfeliks.com/. We will provide you the cost inclusive of shipping fee.

Q1. What is the currency of the prices displayed in your website?

>All prices are in USD